Struct inkwell::module::Module

source ·
pub struct Module<'ctx> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Represents a reference to an LLVM Module. The underlying module will be disposed when dropping this object.



impl<'ctx> Module<'ctx>


pub unsafe fn new(module: LLVMModuleRef) -> Self

Get a module from an LLVMModuleRef.


The ref must be valid.


pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> LLVMModuleRef

Acquires the underlying raw pointer belonging to this Module type.


pub fn add_function( &self, name: &str, ty: FunctionType<'ctx>, linkage: Option<Linkage> ) -> FunctionValue<'ctx>

Creates a function given its name and ty, adds it to the Module and returns it.

An optional linkage can be specified, without which the default value Linkage::ExternalLinkage will be used.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::{Module, Linkage};
use inkwell::types::FunctionType;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");

let fn_type = context.f32_type().fn_type(&[], false);
let fn_val = module.add_function("my_function", fn_type, None);

assert_eq!(fn_val.get_name().to_str(), Ok("my_function"));
assert_eq!(fn_val.get_linkage(), Linkage::External);

pub fn get_context(&self) -> ContextRef<'ctx>

Gets the Context from which this Module originates.

use inkwell::context::{Context, ContextRef};
use inkwell::module::Module;

let local_context = Context::create();
let local_module = local_context.create_module("my_module");

assert_eq!(local_module.get_context(), local_context);

pub fn get_first_function(&self) -> Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>>

Gets the first FunctionValue defined in this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_mod");


let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let fn_value = module.add_function("my_fn", fn_type, None);

assert_eq!(fn_value, module.get_first_function().unwrap());

pub fn get_last_function(&self) -> Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>>

Gets the last FunctionValue defined in this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_mod");


let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let fn_value = module.add_function("my_fn", fn_type, None);

assert_eq!(fn_value, module.get_last_function().unwrap());

pub fn get_function(&self, name: &str) -> Option<FunctionValue<'ctx>>

Gets a FunctionValue defined in this Module by its name.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_mod");


let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let fn_value = module.add_function("my_fn", fn_type, None);

assert_eq!(fn_value, module.get_function("my_fn").unwrap());

pub fn get_functions(&self) -> FunctionIterator<'ctx>

An iterator over the functions in this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_mod");


let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let fn_value = module.add_function("my_fn", fn_type, None);

let names: Vec<String> = module
    .map(|f| f.get_name().to_string_lossy().to_string())

assert_eq!(vec!["my_fn".to_owned()], names);

pub fn get_struct_type(&self, name: &str) -> Option<StructType<'ctx>>

Available on crate features llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Gets a named StructType from this Module’s Context.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");


let opaque = context.opaque_struct_type("foo");

assert_eq!(module.get_struct_type("foo").unwrap(), opaque);

pub fn set_triple(&self, triple: &TargetTriple)

Assigns a TargetTriple to this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::targets::{Target, TargetTriple};

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let triple = TargetTriple::create("x86_64-pc-linux-gnu");

assert_eq!(module.get_triple(), TargetTriple::create(""));


assert_eq!(module.get_triple(), triple);

pub fn get_triple(&self) -> TargetTriple

Gets the TargetTriple assigned to this Module. If none has been assigned, the triple will default to “”.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::targets::{Target, TargetTriple};

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let triple = TargetTriple::create("x86_64-pc-linux-gnu");

assert_eq!(module.get_triple(), TargetTriple::create(""));


assert_eq!(module.get_triple(), triple);

pub fn create_execution_engine( &self ) -> Result<ExecutionEngine<'ctx>, LLVMString>

Creates an ExecutionEngine from this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;
use inkwell::targets::{InitializationConfig, Target};

Target::initialize_native(&InitializationConfig::default()).expect("Failed to initialize native target");

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let execution_engine = module.create_execution_engine().unwrap();

assert_eq!(module.get_context(), context);

pub fn create_interpreter_execution_engine( &self ) -> Result<ExecutionEngine<'ctx>, LLVMString>

Creates an interpreter ExecutionEngine from this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;
use inkwell::targets::{InitializationConfig, Target};

Target::initialize_native(&InitializationConfig::default()).expect("Failed to initialize native target");

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let execution_engine = module.create_interpreter_execution_engine().unwrap();

assert_eq!(module.get_context(), context);

pub fn create_jit_execution_engine( &self, opt_level: OptimizationLevel ) -> Result<ExecutionEngine<'ctx>, LLVMString>

Creates a JIT ExecutionEngine from this Module.

use inkwell::OptimizationLevel;
use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;
use inkwell::targets::{InitializationConfig, Target};

Target::initialize_native(&InitializationConfig::default()).expect("Failed to initialize native target");

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let execution_engine = module.create_jit_execution_engine(OptimizationLevel::None).unwrap();

assert_eq!(module.get_context(), context);

pub fn add_global<T: BasicType<'ctx>>( &self, type_: T, address_space: Option<AddressSpace>, name: &str ) -> GlobalValue<'ctx>

Creates a GlobalValue based on a type in an address space.

use inkwell::AddressSpace;
use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let i8_type = context.i8_type();
let global = module.add_global(i8_type, Some(AddressSpace::from(1u16)), "my_global");

assert_eq!(module.get_first_global().unwrap(), global);
assert_eq!(module.get_last_global().unwrap(), global);

pub fn write_bitcode_to_path(&self, path: &Path) -> bool

Writes a Module to a Path.

use inkwell::context::Context;

use std::path::Path;

let mut path = Path::new("module.bc");

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);

module.add_function("my_fn", fn_type, None);

pub fn write_bitcode_to_file( &self, file: &File, should_close: bool, unbuffered: bool ) -> bool

write_bitcode_to_path should be preferred over this method, as it does not work on all operating systems.


pub fn write_bitcode_to_memory(&self) -> MemoryBuffer

Writes this Module to a MemoryBuffer.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let f = module.add_function("f", fn_type, None);
let basic_block = context.append_basic_block(f, "entry");
let builder = context.create_builder();


let buffer = module.write_bitcode_to_memory();

pub fn verify(&self) -> Result<(), LLVMString>

Ensures that the current Module is valid, and returns a Result that describes whether or not it is, returning a LLVM allocated string on error.


See also:


pub fn get_data_layout(&self) -> Ref<'_, DataLayout>

Gets a smart pointer to the DataLayout belonging to a particular Module.

use inkwell::OptimizationLevel;
use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::targets::{InitializationConfig, Target};

Target::initialize_native(&InitializationConfig::default()).expect("Failed to initialize native target");

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("sum");
let execution_engine = module.create_jit_execution_engine(OptimizationLevel::None).unwrap();
let target_data = execution_engine.get_target_data();
let data_layout = target_data.get_data_layout();


assert_eq!(*module.get_data_layout(), data_layout);

pub fn set_data_layout(&self, data_layout: &DataLayout)

Sets the DataLayout for a particular Module.

use inkwell::OptimizationLevel;
use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::targets::{InitializationConfig, Target};

Target::initialize_native(&InitializationConfig::default()).expect("Failed to initialize native target");

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("sum");
let execution_engine = module.create_jit_execution_engine(OptimizationLevel::None).unwrap();
let target_data = execution_engine.get_target_data();
let data_layout = target_data.get_data_layout();


assert_eq!(*module.get_data_layout(), data_layout);

pub fn print_to_stderr(&self)

Prints the content of the Module to stderr.


pub fn print_to_string(&self) -> LLVMString

Prints the content of the Module to an LLVMString.


pub fn print_to_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<(), LLVMString>

Prints the content of the Module to a file.


pub fn to_string(&self) -> String

Prints the content of the Module to a String.


pub fn set_inline_assembly(&self, asm: &str)

Sets the inline assembly for the Module.


pub fn add_global_metadata( &self, key: &str, metadata: &MetadataValue<'ctx> ) -> Result<(), &'static str>

Appends a MetaDataValue to a global list indexed by a particular key.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let bool_type = context.bool_type();
let f32_type = context.f32_type();
let bool_val = bool_type.const_int(0, false);
let f32_val = f32_type.const_float(0.0);

assert_eq!(module.get_global_metadata_size("my_md"), 0);

let md_string = context.metadata_string("lots of metadata here");
let md_node = context.metadata_node(&[bool_val.into(), f32_val.into()]);

module.add_global_metadata("my_md", &md_string).unwrap();
module.add_global_metadata("my_md", &md_node).unwrap();

assert_eq!(module.get_global_metadata_size("my_md"), 2);

let global_md = module.get_global_metadata("my_md");

assert_eq!(global_md.len(), 2);

let (md_0, md_1) = (global_md[0].get_node_values(), global_md[1].get_node_values());

assert_eq!(md_0.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(md_1.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(md_0[0].into_metadata_value().get_string_value(), md_string.get_string_value());
assert_eq!(md_1[0].into_int_value(), bool_val);
assert_eq!(md_1[1].into_float_value(), f32_val);

pub fn get_global_metadata_size(&self, key: &str) -> u32

Obtains the number of MetaDataValues indexed by a particular key.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let bool_type = context.bool_type();
let f32_type = context.f32_type();
let bool_val = bool_type.const_int(0, false);
let f32_val = f32_type.const_float(0.0);

assert_eq!(module.get_global_metadata_size("my_md"), 0);

let md_string = context.metadata_string("lots of metadata here");
let md_node = context.metadata_node(&[bool_val.into(), f32_val.into()]);

module.add_global_metadata("my_md", &md_string).unwrap();
module.add_global_metadata("my_md", &md_node).unwrap();

assert_eq!(module.get_global_metadata_size("my_md"), 2);

let global_md = module.get_global_metadata("my_md");

assert_eq!(global_md.len(), 2);

let (md_0, md_1) = (global_md[0].get_node_values(), global_md[1].get_node_values());

assert_eq!(md_0.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(md_1.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(md_0[0].into_metadata_value().get_string_value(), md_string.get_string_value());
assert_eq!(md_1[0].into_int_value(), bool_val);
assert_eq!(md_1[1].into_float_value(), f32_val);

pub fn get_global_metadata(&self, key: &str) -> Vec<MetadataValue<'ctx>>

Obtains the global MetaDataValue node indexed by key, which may contain 1 string or multiple values as its get_node_values()

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");
let bool_type = context.bool_type();
let f32_type = context.f32_type();
let bool_val = bool_type.const_int(0, false);
let f32_val = f32_type.const_float(0.0);

assert_eq!(module.get_global_metadata_size("my_md"), 0);

let md_string = context.metadata_string("lots of metadata here");
let md_node = context.metadata_node(&[bool_val.into(), f32_val.into()]);

module.add_global_metadata("my_md", &md_string).unwrap();
module.add_global_metadata("my_md", &md_node).unwrap();

assert_eq!(module.get_global_metadata_size("my_md"), 2);

let global_md = module.get_global_metadata("my_md");

assert_eq!(global_md.len(), 2);

let (md_0, md_1) = (global_md[0].get_node_values(), global_md[1].get_node_values());

assert_eq!(md_0.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(md_1.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(md_0[0].into_metadata_value().get_string_value(), md_string.get_string_value());
assert_eq!(md_1[0].into_int_value(), bool_val);
assert_eq!(md_1[1].into_float_value(), f32_val);

pub fn get_first_global(&self) -> Option<GlobalValue<'ctx>>

Gets the first GlobalValue in a module.

use inkwell::AddressSpace;
use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let i8_type = context.i8_type();
let module = context.create_module("mod");


let global = module.add_global(i8_type, Some(AddressSpace::from(4u16)), "my_global");

assert_eq!(module.get_first_global().unwrap(), global);

pub fn get_last_global(&self) -> Option<GlobalValue<'ctx>>

Gets the last GlobalValue in a module.

use inkwell::AddressSpace;
use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let i8_type = context.i8_type();


let global = module.add_global(i8_type, Some(AddressSpace::from(4u16)), "my_global");

assert_eq!(module.get_last_global().unwrap(), global);

pub fn get_global(&self, name: &str) -> Option<GlobalValue<'ctx>>

Gets a named GlobalValue in a module.

use inkwell::AddressSpace;
use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let i8_type = context.i8_type();


let global = module.add_global(i8_type, Some(AddressSpace::from(4u16)), "my_global");

assert_eq!(module.get_global("my_global").unwrap(), global);

pub fn get_globals(&self) -> GlobalIterator<'ctx>

An iterator over the globals in this Module.


pub fn parse_bitcode_from_buffer( buffer: &MemoryBuffer, context: impl AsContextRef<'ctx> ) -> Result<Self, LLVMString>

Creates a new Module from a MemoryBuffer with bitcode.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;
use inkwell::memory_buffer::MemoryBuffer;
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("foo/bar.bc");
let context = Context::create();
let buffer = MemoryBuffer::create_from_file(&path).unwrap();
let module = Module::parse_bitcode_from_buffer(&buffer, &context);

assert_eq!(module.unwrap().get_context(), context);

pub fn parse_bitcode_from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>( path: P, context: impl AsContextRef<'ctx> ) -> Result<Self, LLVMString>

A convenience function for creating a Module from a bitcode file for a given context.

use inkwell::context::Context;
use inkwell::module::Module;
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("foo/bar.bc");
let context = Context::create();
let module = Module::parse_bitcode_from_path(&path, &context);

assert_eq!(module.unwrap().get_context(), context);

pub fn get_name(&self) -> &CStr

Gets the name of this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");

assert_eq!(module.get_name().to_str(), Ok("my_mdoule"));

pub fn set_name(&self, name: &str)

Assigns the name of this Module.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_module");


assert_eq!(module.get_name().to_str(), Ok("my_module2"));

pub fn get_source_file_name(&self) -> &CStr

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Gets the source file name. It defaults to the module identifier but is separate from it.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_mod");

assert_eq!(module.get_source_file_name().to_str(), Ok("my_mod"));


assert_eq!(module.get_name().to_str(), Ok("my_mod"));
assert_eq!(module.get_source_file_name().to_str(), Ok(""));

pub fn set_source_file_name(&self, file_name: &str)

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Sets the source file name. It defaults to the module identifier but is separate from it.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("my_mod");

assert_eq!(module.get_source_file_name().to_str(), Ok("my_mod"));


assert_eq!(module.get_name().to_str(), Ok("my_mod"));
assert_eq!(module.get_source_file_name().to_str(), Ok(""));

Links one module into another. This will merge two Modules into one.

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("mod");
let module2 = context.create_module("mod2");


pub fn get_or_insert_comdat(&self, name: &str) -> Comdat

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Gets the Comdat associated with a particular name. If it does not exist, it will be created. A new Comdat defaults to a kind of ComdatSelectionKind::Any.


pub fn get_flag(&self, key: &str) -> Option<MetadataValue<'ctx>>

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Gets the MetadataValue flag associated with the key in this module, if any. If a BasicValue was used to create this flag, it will be wrapped in a MetadataValue when returned from this function.


pub fn add_metadata_flag( &self, key: &str, behavior: FlagBehavior, flag: MetadataValue<'ctx> )

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Append a MetadataValue as a module wide flag. Note that using the same key twice will likely invalidate the module.


pub fn add_basic_value_flag<BV: BasicValue<'ctx>>( &self, key: &str, behavior: FlagBehavior, flag: BV )

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Append a BasicValue as a module wide flag. Note that using the same key twice will likely invalidate the module.


pub fn strip_debug_info(&self) -> bool

Available on crate features llvm6-0 or llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Strips and debug info from the module, if it exists.


pub fn get_debug_metadata_version(&self) -> c_uint

Available on crate features llvm6-0 or llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Gets the version of debug metadata contained in this Module.


pub fn create_debug_info_builder( &self, allow_unresolved: bool, language: DWARFSourceLanguage, filename: &str, directory: &str, producer: &str, is_optimized: bool, flags: &str, runtime_ver: c_uint, split_name: &str, kind: DWARFEmissionKind, dwo_id: c_uint, split_debug_inlining: bool, debug_info_for_profiling: bool, sysroot: &str, sdk: &str ) -> (DebugInfoBuilder<'ctx>, DICompileUnit<'ctx>)

Available on crate features llvm7-0 or llvm8-0 or llvm9-0 or llvm10-0 or llvm11-0 or llvm12-0 or llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Creates a DebugInfoBuilder for this Module.


pub fn run_passes( &self, passes: &str, machine: &TargetMachine, options: PassBuilderOptions ) -> Result<(), LLVMString>

Available on crate features llvm13-0 or llvm14-0 or llvm15-0 or llvm16-0 or llvm17-0 or llvm18-0 only.

Construct and run a set of passes over a module. This function takes a string with the passes that should be used. The format of this string is the same as opt’s -passes argument for the new pass manager. Individual passes may be specified, separated by commas. Full pipelines may also be invoked using default and friends. See opt for full reference of the Passes format.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Module<'_>


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<'ctx> Debug for Module<'ctx>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Drop for Module<'_>


fn drop(&mut self)

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

impl<'ctx> PartialEq for Module<'ctx>


fn eq(&self, other: &Module<'ctx>) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl PassManagerSubType for Module<'_>


type Input = ()


unsafe fn create<I: Borrow<Self::Input>>(_: I) -> LLVMPassManagerRef


unsafe fn run_in_pass_manager(&self, pass_manager: &PassManager<Self>) -> bool


impl<'ctx> Eq for Module<'ctx>


impl<'ctx> StructuralPartialEq for Module<'ctx>

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'ctx> !Freeze for Module<'ctx>


impl<'ctx> !RefUnwindSafe for Module<'ctx>


impl<'ctx> !Send for Module<'ctx>


impl<'ctx> !Sync for Module<'ctx>


impl<'ctx> Unpin for Module<'ctx>


impl<'ctx> UnwindSafe for Module<'ctx>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.