use llvm_sys::core::LLVMGetTypeKind;
use llvm_sys::prelude::LLVMTypeRef;
use llvm_sys::LLVMTypeKind;
use crate::support::LLVMString;
use crate::types::traits::AsTypeRef;
use crate::types::MetadataType;
use crate::types::{ArrayType, FloatType, FunctionType, IntType, PointerType, StructType, VectorType, VoidType};
use crate::values::{BasicValue, BasicValueEnum, IntValue};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
macro_rules! enum_type_set {
($(#[$enum_attrs:meta])* $enum_name:ident: { $($(#[$variant_attrs:meta])* $args:ident,)+ }) => (
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum $enum_name<'ctx> {
unsafe impl AsTypeRef for $enum_name<'_> {
fn as_type_ref(&self) -> LLVMTypeRef {
match *self {
$enum_name::$args(ref t) => t.as_type_ref(),
impl<'ctx> From<$args<'ctx>> for $enum_name<'ctx> {
fn from(value: $args) -> $enum_name {
impl<'ctx> TryFrom<$enum_name<'ctx>> for $args<'ctx> {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: $enum_name<'ctx>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
$enum_name::$args(ty) => Ok(ty),
_ => Err(()),
enum_type_set! {
AnyTypeEnum: {
enum_type_set! {
BasicTypeEnum: {
enum_type_set! {
BasicMetadataTypeEnum: {
impl<'ctx> BasicMetadataTypeEnum<'ctx> {
pub fn into_array_type(self) -> ArrayType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn into_float_type(self) -> FloatType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::FloatType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn into_int_type(self) -> IntType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::IntType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn into_pointer_type(self) -> PointerType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::PointerType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn into_struct_type(self) -> StructType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::StructType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn into_vector_type(self) -> VectorType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::VectorType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn into_metadata_type(self) -> MetadataType<'ctx> {
if let BasicMetadataTypeEnum::MetadataType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected another variant", self);
pub fn is_array_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::ArrayType(_))
pub fn is_float_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::FloatType(_))
pub fn is_int_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::IntType(_))
pub fn is_metadata_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::MetadataType(_))
pub fn is_pointer_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::PointerType(_))
pub fn is_struct_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::StructType(_))
pub fn is_vector_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicMetadataTypeEnum::VectorType(_))
pub fn print_to_string(self) -> LLVMString {
match self {
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::IntType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::FloatType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::PointerType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::StructType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::VectorType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicMetadataTypeEnum::MetadataType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
impl<'ctx> AnyTypeEnum<'ctx> {
pub unsafe fn new(type_: LLVMTypeRef) -> Self {
match LLVMGetTypeKind(type_) {
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMVoidTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::VoidType(VoidType::new(type_)),
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMFloatTypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMDoubleTypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMFP128TypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::FloatType(FloatType::new(type_)),
feature = "llvm11-0",
feature = "llvm12-0",
feature = "llvm13-0",
feature = "llvm14-0",
feature = "llvm15-0",
feature = "llvm16-0",
feature = "llvm17-0",
feature = "llvm18-0"
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMBFloatTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::FloatType(FloatType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMLabelTypeKind => panic!("FIXME: Unsupported type: Label"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMIntegerTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::IntType(IntType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMFunctionTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::FunctionType(FunctionType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMStructTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::StructType(StructType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMArrayTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::ArrayType(ArrayType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMPointerTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::PointerType(PointerType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMVectorTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::VectorType(VectorType::new(type_)),
feature = "llvm11-0",
feature = "llvm12-0",
feature = "llvm13-0",
feature = "llvm14-0",
feature = "llvm15-0",
feature = "llvm16-0",
feature = "llvm17-0",
feature = "llvm18-0"
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMScalableVectorTypeKind => AnyTypeEnum::VectorType(VectorType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMMetadataTypeKind => panic!("Metadata type is not supported as AnyType."),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMX86_MMXTypeKind => panic!("FIXME: Unsupported type: MMX"),
feature = "llvm12-0",
feature = "llvm13-0",
feature = "llvm14-0",
feature = "llvm15-0",
feature = "llvm16-0",
feature = "llvm17-0",
feature = "llvm18-0"
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMX86_AMXTypeKind => panic!("FIXME: Unsupported type: AMX"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMTokenTypeKind => panic!("FIXME: Unsupported type: Token"),
#[cfg(any(feature = "llvm16-0", feature = "llvm17-0", feature = "llvm18-0"))]
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMTargetExtTypeKind => panic!("FIXME: Unsupported type: TargetExt"),
pub(crate) fn as_basic_type_enum(&self) -> BasicTypeEnum<'ctx> {
unsafe { BasicTypeEnum::new(self.as_type_ref()) }
pub fn into_array_type(self) -> ArrayType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the ArrayType variant", self);
pub fn into_float_type(self) -> FloatType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::FloatType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the FloatType variant", self);
pub fn into_function_type(self) -> FunctionType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::FunctionType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the FunctionType variant", self);
pub fn into_int_type(self) -> IntType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::IntType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the IntType variant", self);
pub fn into_pointer_type(self) -> PointerType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::PointerType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the PointerType variant", self);
pub fn into_struct_type(self) -> StructType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::StructType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the StructType variant", self);
pub fn into_vector_type(self) -> VectorType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::VectorType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the VectorType variant", self);
pub fn into_void_type(self) -> VoidType<'ctx> {
if let AnyTypeEnum::VoidType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the VoidType variant", self);
pub fn is_array_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::ArrayType(_))
pub fn is_float_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::FloatType(_))
pub fn is_function_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::FunctionType(_))
pub fn is_int_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::IntType(_))
pub fn is_pointer_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::PointerType(_))
pub fn is_struct_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::StructType(_))
pub fn is_vector_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::VectorType(_))
pub fn is_void_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, AnyTypeEnum::VoidType(_))
pub fn size_of(&self) -> Option<IntValue<'ctx>> {
match self {
AnyTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) => t.size_of(),
AnyTypeEnum::FloatType(t) => Some(t.size_of()),
AnyTypeEnum::IntType(t) => Some(t.size_of()),
AnyTypeEnum::PointerType(t) => Some(t.size_of()),
AnyTypeEnum::StructType(t) => t.size_of(),
AnyTypeEnum::VectorType(t) => t.size_of(),
AnyTypeEnum::VoidType(_) => None,
AnyTypeEnum::FunctionType(_) => None,
pub fn print_to_string(self) -> LLVMString {
match self {
AnyTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::FloatType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::IntType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::PointerType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::StructType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::VectorType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::VoidType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
AnyTypeEnum::FunctionType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
impl<'ctx> BasicTypeEnum<'ctx> {
pub unsafe fn new(type_: LLVMTypeRef) -> Self {
match LLVMGetTypeKind(type_) {
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMFloatTypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMDoubleTypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMFP128TypeKind
| LLVMTypeKind::LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(FloatType::new(type_)),
feature = "llvm11-0",
feature = "llvm12-0",
feature = "llvm13-0",
feature = "llvm14-0",
feature = "llvm15-0",
feature = "llvm16-0",
feature = "llvm17-0",
feature = "llvm18-0"
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMBFloatTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(FloatType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMIntegerTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::IntType(IntType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMStructTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::StructType(StructType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMPointerTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(PointerType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMArrayTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::ArrayType(ArrayType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMVectorTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::VectorType(VectorType::new(type_)),
feature = "llvm11-0",
feature = "llvm12-0",
feature = "llvm13-0",
feature = "llvm14-0",
feature = "llvm15-0",
feature = "llvm16-0",
feature = "llvm17-0",
feature = "llvm18-0"
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMScalableVectorTypeKind => BasicTypeEnum::VectorType(VectorType::new(type_)),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMMetadataTypeKind => panic!("Unsupported basic type: Metadata"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMX86_MMXTypeKind => panic!("Unsupported basic type: MMX"),
feature = "llvm12-0",
feature = "llvm13-0",
feature = "llvm14-0",
feature = "llvm15-0",
feature = "llvm16-0",
feature = "llvm17-0",
feature = "llvm18-0"
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMX86_AMXTypeKind => unreachable!("Unsupported basic type: AMX"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMLabelTypeKind => unreachable!("Unsupported basic type: Label"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMVoidTypeKind => unreachable!("Unsupported basic type: VoidType"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMFunctionTypeKind => unreachable!("Unsupported basic type: FunctionType"),
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMTokenTypeKind => unreachable!("Unsupported basic type: Token"),
#[cfg(any(feature = "llvm16-0", feature = "llvm17-0", feature = "llvm18-0"))]
LLVMTypeKind::LLVMTargetExtTypeKind => unreachable!("Unsupported basic type: TargetExt"),
pub fn into_array_type(self) -> ArrayType<'ctx> {
if let BasicTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the ArrayType variant", self);
pub fn into_float_type(self) -> FloatType<'ctx> {
if let BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the FloatType variant", self);
pub fn into_int_type(self) -> IntType<'ctx> {
if let BasicTypeEnum::IntType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the IntType variant", self);
pub fn into_pointer_type(self) -> PointerType<'ctx> {
if let BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the PointerType variant", self);
pub fn into_struct_type(self) -> StructType<'ctx> {
if let BasicTypeEnum::StructType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the StructType variant", self);
pub fn into_vector_type(self) -> VectorType<'ctx> {
if let BasicTypeEnum::VectorType(t) = self {
} else {
panic!("Found {:?} but expected the VectorType variant", self);
pub fn is_array_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicTypeEnum::ArrayType(_))
pub fn is_float_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(_))
pub fn is_int_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicTypeEnum::IntType(_))
pub fn is_pointer_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(_))
pub fn is_struct_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicTypeEnum::StructType(_))
pub fn is_vector_type(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, BasicTypeEnum::VectorType(_))
pub fn const_zero(self) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> {
match self {
BasicTypeEnum::ArrayType(ty) => ty.const_zero().as_basic_value_enum(),
BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(ty) => ty.const_zero().as_basic_value_enum(),
BasicTypeEnum::IntType(ty) => ty.const_zero().as_basic_value_enum(),
BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(ty) => ty.const_zero().as_basic_value_enum(),
BasicTypeEnum::StructType(ty) => ty.const_zero().as_basic_value_enum(),
BasicTypeEnum::VectorType(ty) => ty.const_zero().as_basic_value_enum(),
pub fn print_to_string(self) -> LLVMString {
match self {
BasicTypeEnum::ArrayType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicTypeEnum::IntType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicTypeEnum::StructType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
BasicTypeEnum::VectorType(t) => t.print_to_string(),
impl<'ctx> TryFrom<AnyTypeEnum<'ctx>> for BasicTypeEnum<'ctx> {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: AnyTypeEnum<'ctx>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use AnyTypeEnum::*;
Ok(match value {
ArrayType(at) => at.into(),
FloatType(ft) => ft.into(),
IntType(it) => it.into(),
PointerType(pt) => pt.into(),
StructType(st) => st.into(),
VectorType(vt) => vt.into(),
VoidType(_) | FunctionType(_) => return Err(()),
impl<'ctx> TryFrom<AnyTypeEnum<'ctx>> for BasicMetadataTypeEnum<'ctx> {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: AnyTypeEnum<'ctx>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use AnyTypeEnum::*;
Ok(match value {
ArrayType(at) => at.into(),
FloatType(ft) => ft.into(),
IntType(it) => it.into(),
PointerType(pt) => pt.into(),
StructType(st) => st.into(),
VectorType(vt) => vt.into(),
VoidType(_) | FunctionType(_) => return Err(()),
impl<'ctx> TryFrom<BasicMetadataTypeEnum<'ctx>> for BasicTypeEnum<'ctx> {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: BasicMetadataTypeEnum<'ctx>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use BasicMetadataTypeEnum::*;
Ok(match value {
ArrayType(at) => at.into(),
FloatType(ft) => ft.into(),
IntType(it) => it.into(),
PointerType(pt) => pt.into(),
StructType(st) => st.into(),
VectorType(vt) => vt.into(),
MetadataType(_) => return Err(()),
impl<'ctx> From<BasicTypeEnum<'ctx>> for BasicMetadataTypeEnum<'ctx> {
fn from(value: BasicTypeEnum<'ctx>) -> Self {
use BasicTypeEnum::*;
match value {
ArrayType(at) => at.into(),
FloatType(ft) => ft.into(),
IntType(it) => it.into(),
PointerType(pt) => pt.into(),
StructType(st) => st.into(),
VectorType(vt) => vt.into(),
impl Display for AnyTypeEnum<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.print_to_string())
impl Display for BasicTypeEnum<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.print_to_string())
impl Display for BasicMetadataTypeEnum<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.print_to_string())